Frequently asked questions.
You can find out more about that here
From the outside sensual massage and Tantric massage can look similar, however the approach between each is very different. In sensual massage it is usually performance driven and goal oriented which is rushing to orgasm/ejaculation.
In Tantric massage the intention is to connect to your body and pleasure in the present moment, where your orgasm/ejaculation is welcome, but not necessary.
Many clients share what they enjoy about Tantric massage is slowing down, creating a slow burn, deeper intimacy, less anxiety & pressure to perform, they can be themselves as they are.
These sessions only include genital touch if desired and stated by you, this can be external or can include internal touch also. Most people have never experienced genital touch that is professional, therapeutic and pleasurable. The genitals are one of the most sensitive areas of the body and often store deep emotions and memories.
You are fully supported in you choice and can change your mind at any time during the session. Non-latex gloves can be used for any touch during the session.
Genital touch is not required for a beneficial session, however allowing and experiencing pleasure is one of the best ways to reconnect with ourselves, our emotions and our body. The focus is about staying present in the moment with what is, rather than having an intense sexual experience.
You are welcome to disrobe up to your level of comfort.
My underwear will remain on throughout the session.
Short answer: No, direction of touch is one way from me to you.
Long answer: This is your opportunity to fully receive 100%. You will gain the most benefit from this session if you give your full attention to your sensations, emotions and thoughts, without engaging sensually or sexually with the practitioner.
This also releases you from unconscious patterns of sexual activity which may prevent you from having healthier, more joyful sexual experiences and relationships.
Short answer: No.
Long answer: It depends what you think sex is. Your arousal, desire, pleasure, orgasm and ejaculation are welcome, but it is neither the goal or expectation.
My intention is to support you in creating a space where you may connect deeply to the pleasure potential of your body. Where you can experience loving devotional touch in way you probably haven't received before. Even though you may feel highly aroused, I will stay grounded and focused on you.
This work be deeply profound, healing and nourishing for many people, but it's not for everyone.
I offer a FREE 30 minute discovery call where we can feel each other out, discuss your intentions, expectations and answer any other questions you may have.
If we both feel there is value for you we will book a session. If I feel that I'm not the best person to meet your needs, I will refer another practitioner I believe is better suited.
It is not our goal to bring you to climax. Rather to support your body in opening to a deeper, fuller pleasure and power. There is no shame in having an orgasm/ejaculation or not having one. Although if this has been difficult for you in past you may find that sessions like this can open you to new possibilities.
Whatever happens there is no shame or judgement and I am able to hold this space.
Each session begins with a check-in of what you desire to gain from our time working together. This is a space to speak openly about what are your biggest challenges in your sexuality, what do you want to learn more about and ask any questions you may have.
Once we are clear on your learning objective, I will offer different somatic practices to support your exploration. You are in complete control and choice to say yes to the practices you would like to try, or no to the practices you do not think are suitable.
I will share what the practice consists of, which can include elements of somatic movement, touch meditations, breathwork, awareness exercises and sensation rituals depending on what is fitting to your desires.
We conclude the session with unpacking the experience and brainstorming potential home-play practices you believe will be supportive to deepen your growth and learning.
Sex coaching is lead under the framework of sexological bodywork. A new and emerging body-based educational modality that teaches people about their sexuality through designed body-based experiences to nurture, deepen or awaken the sensual/erotic self. In other words, the body is used as a tool for the learning and growth process.
"Somatic" originates from the Greek work "soma" meaning "of the body". Soma is also all encompassing of our mind, body, spirit, physiology and emotions. By turning our focus inwards, becoming aware of how your body speaks to you, and what information is available we are able to craft experiences unique to how your body learns new skills.
This profession is unique, in that sexological bodyworkers are able to offer touch in a way that clients can deepen presence and interior awareness, expand the pleasure that is possible and feel more alive in their body.
Practitioners are trained to do genital and anal touch for education, healing and pleasure. This is offered in a one-way touch container (me ⇨ you), which lets the client feel and explore a state of arousal that is free from the pressure of partnered expectations, habitual sexual patterns or cultural limitations.
I am a Certified in Sexological Bodywork from the Institute of Somatic Sexology Australia (ISS) and informed by the practices of the Code of Conduct & Ethics of the Somatic Sex Educators Association of Australasia.
This includes
- all sessions are client-directed
- erotic touch is one-way (me ⇨ you)
- gloves are used for genital touch
- practitioner remains clothed to maintain professional boundaries.
The real work happens at home in the time between our sessions. Similar to learning a new instrument or sport, embodied sexuality is a skill which requires consistent and intentional practice over a period of time.
The more you are dedicated to your practices, the faster you will gain the mastery you seek.
I welcome people of all ages, body size, genders, sexual orientation and relationship structures.
Those with a genuine desire to learn, grow and discover themselves with an open mind and heart to possibility.
I love working with genuine partnerships to support in expanding your sex and relating skills using body-based learning and guided practices.
Learn how to navigate sexual differences, attitudes to deepen connection and intimacy, and techniques to broaden erotic possibility in becoming the best lover you can be.
I have a private and discreet working space within the inner suburbs of Auckland and is designed for this type of work.
I accept cash or bank transfer due before the session begins.
All sessions are kept completely private and confidential, your name will never be disclosed to anyone. Although just to be clear, my clients offer my best referrals.
My desire is that you feel safe enough to share the experience with those you trust, and whom you think may also benefit from this work.